Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pearly Whites

So, not much to write about lately, at least on the horse front. This is mostly irritating to me...though let me say off the bat I am so, so, SO happy Miles continues to gain weight and has worked really well for me the 2 days I rode him this week. Here's what's going on.

OK, I know, I KNOW I've written so much on here about the weather. If I look at my tags, I'm pretty sure "weather" has to be the most common one. Seriously though? It. Is. Horrible this year. Every fricking day, with very very limited exceptions, is hot and humid as all hell. I've never seen a summer like it and I've lived here all my life. Even living through droughts we've had, or extended heat waves, didn't come close to being as miserable as this swamp like weather we've had. You guys, I let the lawn go for 2 weeks, and when I mowed it, there were SLUGS looking at me and the sun like "What? Where is our rain forest cover? I could have sworn we were in Brazil or wherever the frick there's lots of rain forests." Never, EVER, have I seen slugs here, and never, EVER EVER do I want to see them again. Nope Nope Nope.

Hey, guess what happened on Sunday? Central Air go Boom! EFF ME. So, that's been super fun! Hey, it's only the old furnace, which can be fixed for a paltry 2 grand. FML.

Also in the last 2 weeks, we've had our giant maple tree in the back yard split in two and fall down go boom. My Father in Law is wonderful and made the trip down from Escanaba to help us deal with this super fun development, thank goodness.

You all know about my old girl Mojo and her issues (weird neck thing continues to get smaller, though something is still there, and she's been SUPER itchy lately. She becomes much more comfortable with a little Benadryl, thank goodness, and it's not fleas...I'm chalking it up to all the mutant skeeters and other bugs around here). Overall, she still is doing well, thank goodness.

My 90 year old grandma, the only extended relative I've been really close with in the past and lives near us in Lansing, has been struggling with seizures in the last 2 weeks-not the falling down passing out kind, but she gets a headache and involuntary arm/leg shaking. She is amazing in that she has all her wits about her and then some, but after an initial hospital stay she refuses to go back. She is on medication but it's not working, at least not yet. My parents have been dealing with the docs and neurologists and checking on her at least once a day. We are a very small family, so it's been very hard on them and I've been thinking about her, and my parents, a lot. Please keep her in your thoughts if you don't mind.

So, there's all that. Miles also had his purty teeth floated again on Wednesday. Looks like he is super special and the kind of horse who will need to be floated twice a year (high maintenance thoroughbred is high maintenance). He was done November last year and was apparently looking super sharp and quite in need according to Doug LaRose, Equine Dentist Extraordinaire for those of you in Mid Michigan. Doug uses no sedation, just patience and an amazing technique to get the job done. I had to work during the time he was at the barn on Wednesday, but I held Miles for him in November and it was truly a pleasure to watch him work. I'm convinced you do NOT need sedation in most cases, with a true professional like Doug. If you want more information about him feel free to ask! He does not charge a farm call, even though he lives in Riverview which is not exactly close to Charlotte where we are. He's my equine dental hero. At 50 bucks a pop I'm more than willing to get Miles floated twice a year if that's what he needs-hopefully this only continues to help with his weight as well.

I'll ride Miles this weekend, even though, again with the hot and humid. He still really enjoys being worked-actually, he just really enjoys PEOPLE, and any kind of interaction, which makes me happy:) He's such a sweet, good boy-every time I leave the barn, even if I've only spent 20 minutes there, I'm in a good mood. Thanks for that, boy. It's sure been welcome these last few weeks.


  1. You got me LOLing as I read about the slugs... I can almost hear you telling that story. I'm sorry about your grandma, I hope the meds start working soon.

    Also, what's floating?

  2. If I had weather like yours, you would not be able to shut me up about it. You have been quite restrained in my opinion when you consider the awfulness of it. Your grandmother will be in my thoughts. I truly hope that these seizures are a temporary thing.

  3. I hope you and your family get good news about your Grandma..that is scary sounding to not know.
    I am also VERY curious about this Doug guy..can u email me his info?!
    I'm needing to get Laz floated soon and DO NOT want to sedate him due to his laminitis...........I want to see if Cliff knows of this guy Doug, etc too, and if he'll travel to Howell.
    Thanks :)

  4. Hey my name is Nicole and I have been trying to find a equine dentist and Doug Larose was requmended to me and I have never heard of him so I was looking him up and came across your friends page that said you recumended him to her any way I was just wondering if you could tell me a little about him? I want to try him but I have always been told that without sedation they cant do a good job but on the other hand I dont really like sedation so could you get back to me and let me no about him and what you think? thanks
