Thursday, February 17, 2011

So, Horses Poop Money, Right?

Oh, wait, no, they EAT it. That's why they call them hay-burners. Some may be more productive than others, but they are all hay-burners when it comes down to it.

Sorry. I'm having a little pity party over here. My husband has been laid off. Today I found out the Governor of Michigan wants to eliminate my organization. It still has to go through the Legislature, but...I'm kind of freaking out right now.

It will be ok. It will be ok. It will be ok.


God, this State really is the pits. I can't even defend it anymore. My husband and I are both educated people, who have worked our entire lives...yet one of us is collecting unemployment, and I may be joining him.

Sorry, I'm just going to whine for one night. I'm just so....aggravated. My organization is State funded, yes, but it is PITTANCE compared to the tax loopholes that still exist for corporations. I work with, and help, the poorest of the poor, who have illnesses and disabilities you wouldn't wish on your worst enemies. We're damn good at what we do, and we save the State millions of dollars because the people we serve don't end up in nursing homes.

Whew. Anyway. Not a great day. Miles is pretty amazing, but I don't think we're ready to take our act on the road for dollar bills:) Still, he can earn his keep just by being there for me while we navigate this...depressing financial time in our lives. I've already promised him he won't suffer for it. If he wants to lend an ear, though, or just be a good boy for the next few weeks, I sure could use it.


  1. Hope things look up for you soon.

  2. That sucks. Maybe you should mention your organization so people who live in your state can let their representative know they support the services you provide? I don't know, maybe you're not supposed to do that...
    Anyway, I'm sorry to read you are going through this and hope that things look up for you soon.

  3. Oh, Sarah. I am so sorry. This sucks. There is not much I can say, but I know this. Miles will know that you need him to be good and that you need him to listen...and he will. Take care of yourself.

  4. This sucks Sarah, I drove home tonight in near tears worrying about this. I am so sorry this shit storm is happening to you and Kyle right now, but we don't know if it will pass yet, and we still have some time, right?

    I say we move somewhere warm, all of us. I think I can rally some others around that idea. I am so digusted by our state, this day really has me questioning why we are staying here as well.

    Anyway, know that I love you and am here for you, in any way I can be.

  5. Thanks everyone. I appreciate all your kind words. I would love to start my own lobbying campaign by naming my organization, but I'm sure that would get me fired before I'm laid off (if it happens) in August. Thank you though, so much.

    If you're in Michigan, though, I CAN say, rally for those on Medicaid, the poorest of the poor. It isn't propping up people that don't want to work, believe me. No one wants to be the people we work with.

    Also, speak up for keeping old and ill people in their homes, as opposed to shipping them off to nursing homes. It saves the State sooo much, and if it's what the person wants, and is doable (if they can stay at home with some help) WHY not?

    Anyway, thanks again everyone.

  6. Oh man I'm sorry to hear about all of this. I can relate all too well. *hugs* Miles will help you smile when the rest of world craps on you. :-)

  7. OH NO!!!

    Right now I agree with you 100%, state governments are blowing it. Montana wants to blow away every wolf that steps foot in the state and Wisconsin wants to demolish unions. Now Michigan wants to stop helping the people who need it the most? Not a great time for our country right now.

  8. Budget cuts suck. I'm married to a state worker, so we're very, very conscious of them. :-( Sorry. Hope things get better for you.

  9. I'm sorry :/ It will get better though! Good thoughts your way.

  10. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that. I was in your husband's boat last year and it was frustrating! I support Medicaid, and I truly hope your organization has a fighting chance to stick around as, especially now, it sounds like it's really needed!

    Let me know if there's anything I can do to help, my husband works at MSU and has some connections, so let me know if you Hubby has a specific job he's looking for.

  11. crap! happened to us too. My Husband was laid off a couple yrs ago, went back to school (yay, new student loans) and I'm 100% commission based on selling a luxury product, not easy right now. It's tough but it's tough across the board too. You will get thru it. Miles is a lot cheaper than therapy. Aerotek is hiring right now I've heard..I dont know what ur hubby does though.

  12. I can't think of any advice or words of wisdom to give you - not that you are looking for that anyway. But I do feel HORRIBLE for you. Hang in there and I'll be sending positive thoughts your direction -- and to the legislature. Hopefully, they won't cut your organization and it was just posturing. We have lots of posturing in California...

  13. Things will be better soon. Don't worry too much or linger on the bad... remember the good. You'll get out of this. Best of luck. I'll be thinking of you guys.

  14. Hope things look up soon. I see a lot of this with adopters and it makes me sad every time. It will be ok *hugs*

  15. Hang in there, Sarah. I lost my job of six years in January of 2009 and found my current job in February of 2009. Bar and Lena were my solace in that month period and sometimes I think Bar wishes I'd lose this job. (Except for the resulting lack of treats, of course.)

    And if you are in any way working in healthcare, particularly with government programs, there is a huge need for you and what you do. (I know, I work in healthcare, too.)

    Good luck and good wishes!

  16. Just want to add my voice to those of your other well wishers. It's a tough time, especially for state and local organizations, and their clientele. Illinois is a unfunded pension nightmare - when that shoe drops it will be even worse than it is here. Hang in there, and keep us posted.

  17. Sorry to hear you're so stressed right now. They're making all kinds of crazy decision in our state too. Instead of getting to the bottom of funds not wisely spent, they're just slashing left and right. Very sad. You'd think they'd figure out the programs that actually save them money but then I guess that wouldn't be politics.

    Hope this works out for you. We're living on unemployment here too and it's pretty scary.

  18. You guys? All of you, 100% awesome. It helps to know we're not alone, and that lots of you have been in similar circumstances. Also, kind of depressing...still, more helpful than depressing.

    Something has to give in this Country. One of these days I'm probably going to go on a political tirade and lose most of my followers:) Luckily today is not that day:)

    Thank you, again, everyone. I read all your words and every single one helps me. Hugs from me and slobbery goober kisses from Miles~

  19. Hi there! I know this is kind of an older post but I just found your blog recently and I had to lend some moral support. My hubby and I are born and bred MI kids who both went to school, did very well (hubs has a masters too), but were totally unable to find jobs in state. We're both in the sciences, and the only job I was offered with my BS was a cage cleaning position on the other side of the state from where hubby was doing his masters! We ended up moving to MA so I could go to graduate school. 85% of the graduating class of 2007 from MSU left the state. We're all in the same boat, and the situation in MI is totally the pits. Hang in there, I know it's tough, but at least the cost of living is cheap, right? Good luck!
